What can I do with the knowledge taught in Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest?

  • We believe this course, in conjunction with Hebrew Quest, would prepare a pastor or lay-teacher of a small-group, or traditional Christian or Messianic congregation to have a basic understanding of the Hebrew text in order to exegete and communicate beginning and intermediate level Hebrew/Hebraic concepts to a lay audience.
  • Even so, we are not presenting this as a substitute for seminary-level Hebrew for those who are seeking (or whose vocational position requires) more of a formal instructional approach.
  • With all this said, the more of THIS course and Hebrew Quest you complete, the more rewarding and enriching any future formal Hebrew coursework will be!.
  • In any case, our prayer is that this course, along with Hebrew Quest, will give new life to Hebrew application in that person’s teaching ministry. This book’s compiler can testify to this!