3.6 Rules for Vocal Sheva

Syllable positions irrespective to accent

Figure 3.7: Syllable positions irrespective to accent

Learn the four rules for differentiating a VOCAL Sheva from a Silent Sheva


  1. Word-initial Sheva
  2. SECOND of two Sheva within a word
  3. Under a consonant with a Dagesh Forte, OR
  4. After an unaccented long vowel50

Gutturals reject VOCAL Sheva; they take Hateph vowels instead

  1. This one may seem random, but it is relatively common with long vowels in a propretonic position. These vowels often but do not always reduce. Unchangeable long vowels will never reduce. The word above is not kōṯ-vim but kō-ṯᵉ-vîm.↩︎