20.8 ∞ take Type 1 Pronominal Suffixes

Q∞ and QM2ms with pronominal suffix are usually the same

  • Both shift vowels with \(V_1 \ = O\) (Qamets Hatuf) when there is a pronominal suffix
  • Nun-type suffixes ONLY occur with imperfects and imperatives
  • Context is the key
No suffix With Suffix
קְטֹל קָטְל
Suffix PGN With Suffix
3ms קָטְלוֹ
1cs קָטְלִי
3mp קָטְלָם
1cp קָתְלֵ֫נוּ

When affixed to an ∞ verb, the suffix can be the SUBJECT as well as the object.