2.4 Vocal and Silent Sheva

The Sheva

Figure 2.4: The Sheva

  • The Sheva can be tricky to grasp at first since vocal and silent Sheva are written the same. They have two very different uses31.
  • Both types of a Sheva mark the END of a syllable
  • VOCAL Sheva is a REDUCED vowel but does NOT have a vowel Class
    • Only non-gutturals can take a Vocal Sheva
      • Gutturals reject the Vocal Sheva and take the Hateph vowels instead
    • Pronounced like the A in Amuse (same as Hateph Patach)
  • SILENT Sheva is not a reduced vowel. In fact, it is NOT A VOWEL AT ALL
    • Any letter, including Gutturals, can take a Silent Sheva
    • Silent/No sound
  • We will learn how to distinguish between the two kinds of Sheva in the next lesson
Name Type Class Pronunciation
Vocal Sheva Reduced No Class _A_muse
Silent Sheva Not a Vowel No pronunciation

  1. Many academic textbooks will use the term “Shewa” instead of “Sheva”. Both words mean the same thing.↩︎