12.15 Parsing

  • As we stated above, parsing is the process of breaking down a verb into its component parts
  • The following should be included when parsing a verb (as applicable):
    • Stem
    • Conjugation
    • Person (only for finite)
    • Gender (except for Infinitive forms)
    • Number (except for Infinitive forms)
    • Either the Root form or the Lexical form
    • Translation101
  • Parsing example: תֹּאמְרוּ
    • Stem: Qal
    • Conjugation: Imperfect
    • Person (only for finite): 2nd
    • Gender (except for Infinitive forms): Masculine
    • Number (except for Infinitive forms): Plural
    • Either the Root form or the Lexical form: אמר or אָמַר (to say, speak, utter)
    • Translation: You (all) will say
  • Fortunately we can use a shorthand called “Parsing codes” to abbreviate the Stem, Conjugation, Person, Gender, and Number
    • The above would be QI2mp
    • Details about parsing codes are in the next section

  1. As beginners, our translations may understandably be literal. As we progress in learning the language, we will begin to incorporate context, figurative language, and the general flexibility many Hebrew words and phrases have.↩︎