30.5 Don’t confuse Hiphil Imperfect ְ יַ with Qal Imperfect ְ יִ

  • Remember “Hiphil” = Perfect; “Haphil” everywhere else
  • Imperfect \(V_P\) of Hireq is NOT Hiphil
  • Ambiguity arises with 1G verbs because of the Rule of Sheva
  • As we’ve discussed, in 1G situations, we can’t necessarily rely on the stem’s \(Pre\) sequence to determine the stem
    • \(V_P\) and \(V_1\) will be Patach and Hateph Patach in both Hiphil and Qal
    • The Hiphil \(V_S\) will be Hireq+Yod
      • HI3ms - יַעֲמִיד
      • QI3ms יַעֲמֹד
  • 3ה lose their stem vowel, so 1G+3ה are truly ambiguous
    • (Q/H)I3ms - יַעֲלֶה
    • Context will determine whether he “went up” (Qal) or whether he “brought (something) up” (Hiphil)