What is a Typical Lesson?

In this course, you won’t just read; you will DO! This course is going to be jam-packed with activities. Below is what a typical lesson will contain153:

A general comment about Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest

  • At times, you may feel like information is being shot at you from a firehose and nothing is sinking in
  • Often, this is just how it is when learning a new language
  • You may be absorbing more than you think you are
  • This is why we emphasize reinforcement of these concepts through activities
    • Notice the root word “active” in activities
  • You will get introduced to the material via the Lesson Points, but don’t expect to learn everything on the first pass (or from simply reading alone)
  • You will LEARN the material through the activities
Title Description Estimated Minutes
Lesson Itinerary Introduction and the lesson’s learning objectives <1
Equipment Check Things you must have in your backpack before proceeding with the next phase of your journey <1
First Thought A Bible verse from the lesson in Hebrew, audio from Izzy, and a brief devotional 5
Lesson Points The main grammar concepts. Our goal is to give you just enough information to get started in Anki. You can easily identify the Lesson Points as they will be the numbered sections in each lesson. 1.1, 1.2, etc. Following each lesson, there will be a BBH Lesson Summary available from the Lesson Extras pages 15-45
Word and Verse Warm-ups Starting with Lesson 3, these are brief “stretching” exercises before doing the Anki workouts, narrated by Izzy! 5-10
Anki154 This is where the majority of your learning will take place. There will be four modules to each Anki Lesson: A. Vocab, B. Grammar, C. Workbook/Parsing, and D. Study Verses 60-180 total (Anki is meant to do a little each day as driven by the software’s algorithm)
A. Vocab By the end of the course, you will have around 500 Hebrew words memorized
B. Grammar Here, you will work through the main grammar concepts discussed in the lesson. Also, from time to time, Anki cards will contain material not covered in the Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest lessons.
C. Workbook/Parsing Brief Hebrew word activities to reinforce the grammar concepts. In Unit 3, the focus shifts to what is called “parsing” of verbs. Verb parsing means identifying the root, stem, person, gender, number, and meaning of a verb.
D. Study Verses You will begin to translate from Hebrew to English. This component may not be easy at first but stick with it! Although these verses are similar to the Hebrew Quest Memrise modules, our goal for the Study Verses is translation and comprehension, not rote memorization.
Worksheets Additional activities to reinforce learning (selected lessons) 30-45
Ruth Pursuit Similar to the “bag the letter” activity in the early lessons of Hebrew Quest. You will identify examples of grammar concepts in Ruth Chapter 1 15-60
Quest Quiz Self-assessment activity to measure your familiarity with the material for YOU to assess whether you are ready to advance in your quest to the next lesson. No grades are recorded or granted in this course. There are no quizzes after Lesson 11. 15-30
Twelve Tribes Badges, Unit Completion Certificates, and Graduation Fun things to mark and celebrate the completion of various stages of your GRAMMAR Quest 3-5
TOTAL Depending on how fast you work: 2.5-6 hours per Lesson

Of course, some lessons will be more involved than others, and each of us works at a different pace. One of the beautiful things about a self-paced class is the speed and due dates are not set by a course syllabus. With a self-paced class, YOU are in control!


Use the Course Checklist to help keep you organized and do a little bit at a time. Instructions for accessing this are on the Quick Start page. If you haven’t already downloaded it, you can get it here

Also, for those seeking additional translation practice and exposure to the Hebrew Bible, we have an OPTIONAL “Honors Track”, Hebrew Quest Study Passages." These will begin with Lesson 12. You will read through the passage, compose a translation, then watch (or re-watch) the Hebrew Quest video where Izzy walks us through the passage. There is more information on this in the Unit 3 introduction.

  1. We are following the same chapter organization as the textbook Basics of Biblical Hebrew, while extensively leveraging supplemental materials created by Dr. John Beckman, which he has generously made available for free to the Hebrew learning community. See the Course Structure and our Acknowledgments pages for additional information.↩︎

  2. See appendix for more information on Anki if you are not familiar with it.↩︎