Lesson 24 The Niphal Stem - Strong

The Niphal stem occurs 4,138 times in the Bible.

  • P - 1,426
  • I - 1,544
  • M - 118
  • I∞ - 205
  • A - 37
  • Pt - 808


  1. The meaning of the Niphal stem
  2. \(Pre\) combinations diagnostic of the Niphal stem
  3. Niphal Stem Vowels
  4. What to Memorize


  • You must have all of the Qal strong verb paradigms committed to memory: Perfect, Imperfect, Imperative, Infinitive Construct, Infinitive Absolute, and Participle
  • Review the \(V_S =\) nomenclature from the Unit IV Introduction
  • Review the \(Pre =\) nomenclature from the Unit III Introduction