Lesson 16 Qal Imperfect - Weak

This is a critical and dense chapter, but one that must be mastered to read and understand Biblical Hebrew

Almost every weak verb class experiences some change in the Imperfect.

As we progress through the material in this chapter, our quest is to learn how the weak verbs behave in order to work our way back to the Qal Imperfect Strong Verb indicators. We’ve tried to keep the individual sections as short as possible. We simply want to introduce you to the concepts before you reinforce with your activities. If you find you need more in-depth lecture, Dr. Beckman’s Chapter 16 lecture is over two hours and is available on YouTube.

Recall the primary diagnostic indicators of the Qal Imperfect Strong:

  1. \(Pre \ =\) יִקְ
    • Remember when we say \(Pre \ =\) יִקְ, we also include:
      • \(Pre \ =\) תִּקְ
      • \(Pre \ =\) נִקְ, and
      • \(Pre \ =\) אֶקְ
  2. The Imperfect sufformatives
    • 2FS: י ִ
    • 3MP/2MP: וּ
    • 3MS/2MS: נָה
  3. \(V_S = \bar O\)

Take your time through this lesson. Accuracy is significantly more important than speed!


Work through the various weak verb forms in the Qal Imperfect


The Qal Imperfect Strong Paradigm must be memorized.