Lesson 29 The Pual Stem - Weak

The distinctive \(V_1 = U\) is maintained in nearly all Pual weak forms. It helps that the Qibbuts is also quite unique visually!

It is only when \(R_2\) rejects the Dagesh Forte AND has Compensatory Lengthening that there is a potential ambiguity.

You will still need to know the general weak verb concepts, particularly 3-ה behavior, to make sure you get to the correct Pual conjugation.

Enjoy this very brief lesson!


2-gutturals/ר reject the Dagesh Forte sometimes resulting in Compensatory Lengthening of Qibbuts to Holem.


Before continuing, can you describe the following concepts?

  • The Piel weak forms (Lesson 27)
  • Pual strong diagnostics (Lesson 28)