18.11 QM 1נ and 1י

  • 1י drops in the QM
  • sometimes drops in the QM
    • For example, נסע, נתן do; נפל does not
  • These have the Imperfect \(V_S\), unless it has reduced

Carefully study the verbs in the table below

QI2ms QM2ms QM2mp
ישׁב תֵּשֵׁב שֵׁב שְׁבוּ
ירשׁ תִּירַשׁ רַשׁ רְשׁוּ
נסע תִּסַּע סַע סְאוּ
נתן תִּתֵּן תֵּן תְּנוּ
נפה תִּפֹּל נְפֹל נִפְלוּ
  • When \(R_1\) assimilates, we will have only two letters visible in the M2ms (one syllable)
  • Hebrew will never have a reduced vowel in a one syllable word, so the guideline “\(V_1\) is or was reduced” does not apply
  • The vowel you see is actually \(V_S\)