Activity: Quest Quiz

Here is our first Quest Quiz. Remember to treat this as a self-assessment. If you do well, you should be ready to progress to Lesson 2. If not, you may need to go back and review some concepts from Lesson 1. This is not for a grade, as there are no grades given in this course.

Most of the time, you will want the Quest Quiz to be your very last activity in a given lesson.

  • In other words after you have completed Anki so that all the lesson’s cards are, at a minimum, in the Young stage, and all the other activities, come back here and attempt the Quest Quiz to make sure you are ready to move on to the next lesson.

Open Quest Quiz #1 in a new window26

  1. Most of the time, videos, quizzes, and other feedback forms will be embedded directly into Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest. If you ever have issues with the video or form not loading, click the “View in new window” link that will appear below (or instead of) the embedded frame; this will open a new window in your web browser↩︎