26.6 Piel Imperfect Strong Paradigm

Piel Imperfect Strong from Hebrew Quest Chapter 15

Piel Imperfect \(Pre =\) ּיְקַט and \(V_S = \bar E\) “Piēl - Paēl” - all the imperfect forms will sound like “Paēl”

Sing Paradigm Plural Paradigm
3ms יְקַטֵּל 3mp יְקַטְּלוּ
3fs תְּקַטֵּל 3fp תְּקַטֵּ֫לְנָה
2ms תְּקַטֵּל 2mp תְּקַטְּלוּ
2fs תְּקַטְּלִי 2fp תְּקַטֵּ֫לְנָה
1cs אֲקַטֵּל 1cp נְקַטֵּל
  • Piel Imperfect is consistent: יְקַטֵּל
    • Remember \(V_1 = A\) in all non-Perfect forms
    • \(V_P = ə\) (Vocal Sheva) - DI1cs will take \(V_P = \breve A\) (Hateph Patach)
    • Compare to Qal Imperfect \(Pre\) of Hireq+Sheva+Holem
  • Again, note the Dagesh Forte in \(R_2\)