What to Expect

As we begin, we wanted to let you know what to expect from Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest, and what makes our course distinct from the many other fine Hebrew learning options available.

Our goal with Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest is to take the best attributes of a self-paced course and merge them with the best characteristics of a seminary-level Hebrew course, all in a way that reflects the heart of the Holy Language Institute!

What you can expect from Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest:

  • Academically CHALLENGING, but with a LOW-STRESS level
  • Yeshua-centered with a primary emphasis on READING and UNDERSTANDING God’s Word
    • We approach learning Biblical Hebrew from a devotional level, more than an academic one
    • We use grammar rules, paradigms, and memorization as a means to achieve this goal
  • Self-paced for independent learning but with mechanisms to provide FEEDBACK, ENCOURAGEMENT, and ways to CELEBRATE your ACCOMPLISHMENTS in the course
  • Aligns with our Holy Language LEARNING PHILOSOPHY: emphasize active forms of learning over copious amounts of textbook reading and long lectures. You will read and listen to short lessons on the Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest website, but your true learning comes when you complete various activities, including worksheets and Anki flashcards.
    • Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest is not a substitute for completing Hebrew Quest
    • If you were to take a microscope to Hebrew Quest lessons 13-15 (the grammar lessons), Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest is the result
    • See the Appendix FAQs for additional discussion on how Hebrew Quest and Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest relate to one another
  • We refer to the Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest website as our “guidebook”
    • The chapters are arranged just like a hardcopy book
    • You can use the arrow keys or your mouse to turn the page or go to a different section
    • There is no separate “book” you will need to download to begin the course

This Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest website is where you will get introduced to the material. Anki, along with the other activities, is where you will LEARN the material.

  • As you work through this course, set aside time to review Anki on a DAILY basis1

  1. Anki is an open source flashcard application. All platforms are free, except for the iOS app, which costs $25. The developers use the proceeds to fund future development. Most reviews say the cost is worth it if you have Apple devices and use Anki regularly.↩︎