8.4 Independent Personal Pronouns Discussion

Independent personal pronouns are always subjects, meaning they are equivalent to I, you, she, he, it, and they in English (NOT me, my, her, him, his)

  • This is the first time we are officially using all three elements of Person, Gender, and Number
  • 3MS is shorthand for Person = 3rd Person, Gender = Masculine, Number=Singular
  • 1st person
    • Like English, Hebrew does not distinguish between gender in the first person
    • A woman says “I” and a man says “I”
    • We call this “common” gender and abbreviate “C” - 1CS = first person, common gender, singular in number
    • אָנֹכִי is considered more formal or emphatic. It is often translated, “I, myself”
  • Do not confuse אַתָּה (you 2MS) with עַתָּה (now)