Ruth Pursuits

There are only a handful of non-Qal verbs in Ruth 1

You will only see the Ruth Pursuit activities in the following Lessons:

  • Lesson 25 - Niphal
  • Lesson 27 - Piel
  • Lesson 31 - Hiphil
  • Lesson 35 - Hitpael

In Lesson 26, we will start to do a Ruth Pursuit Analysis.

  • Here, we will start to use your Ruth Pursuit Translation Worksheet and your knowledge of grammar rules to begin to compose a paraphrase
  • We will take a few verses at a time
  • You will compose your own paraphrase translation and then compare it to published Bible versions of your choice
  • This exercise is for your edification
    • You do not have to turn this in and, it will not be graded as a part of this course (as you know, no grades are ever recorded in this course)
    • We would encourage you to share your passage with the Holy Language Institute Tribe for their edification
  • Composing a translation of Ruth and/or Jonah is a common assignment in a second year Hebrew course; we believe you will get a lot out of this new activity