15.11 Qal Imperfect Strong Examples

  • תִּזְכְּר֔וּ
    • \(Pre\): `Tav+Hireq+Zain+Sheva
      • This fits our QI \(Pre =\) formula of יִקְ = Qal Imperfect
        • The י represents any of the imperfect preformatives: י ת אֶ נ
        • The \(R_1 =\) ק represents \(R_1\) of any strong verb
      • Preformative ת = I2xx or I3Fx
      • Sufformative: וּ = I2mp or I3mp
      • \(Pre\) + sufformative can only be QI2mp
    • תִּזְכְּר֔וּ = QI2mp, זָכַר, You (all) will remember
    • We note that \(V_S\) is not \(\bar O\), but that’s because we have a Sheva before a finite sufformative. It turns out we do not need the \(V_S\) to identify this as QI2mp.
  • יִכְתֹּ֤ב
    • \(Pre\): Yod+Hireq+Kaf+Sheva = QI3mx
    • Sufformative: none = QIxxS or QI1CP
    • This combination can only be QI3ms, so complete parsing would be: QI3ms, כתב, “he(it) will write”
    • \(V_S = \bar O\) is additional confirmation that this is Qal Imperfect
  • תִשְׁבַּ֤ת
    • \(Pre\): Tav+Hireq+Shin+Sheva = QI2xx or QI3Fx
    • Sufformative: none = QIxxS or QI1CP
    • Together, this combination could only be either QI3fs or QI2ms of שׁבת, “she/it will stop” or “you will stop” - context will determine which one
    • Context: לָ֣מָּה תִשְׁבַּ֤ת הַמְּלָאכָה֙ = Lit: why she will stop, the work" or “Why should the work stop” = the verb is modifying “the work” which is a feminine noun. So this is QI3fs.
    • \(V_S = A\) because this is a stative verb - in the Imperfect \(V_S = A\) for all stative verbs