About the designer of this book

  • Chris Flanagan has been a member of HLI since 2013 and joined as a ministry volunteer in 2015
  • He has completed Hebrew Quest as a student, which planted a desire to dig deeper into the original languages. He has completed both Hebrew and Greek courses at the seminary level
  • He has worked on several projects for HLI from an instructional design standpoint, including leading of “Hebrew Quest Memrise” and now “Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest”
    • This work is simply a compilation of many various first-year Hebrew resources, which he has knitted together to present in an original and engaging format
    • For this reason, he likes to refer to himself as the “designer” or “compiler” of this dynamic Hebrew learning tool and not the “author” of a static book
  • Professionally, Chris has worked in the healthcare compliance field for over 30 years
  • Personally, Chris is married and has two men in college. He and his wife, Sarah, love to travel, especially to Israel; (which, as you can tell, has inspired the format of each lesson’s “First Thought” in this book)
Chris Flanagan

Figure 35.5: Chris Flanagan