25.3 Niphal 1י

  • Historically, in the evolution of the language, most 1-Yod verbs used to begin with a Vav
  • In some forms, that “original Vav” reappears

1-Yod shifts to Holem Vav when \(Pre\) = נִקְ

  • Perfect - NOT *נִיְשַׁב, but נוֹשַׁב
  • Participle - NOT *נִיְשָׁב, but נוֹשָׁב

1-Yod shifts to consonantal Vav when \(Pre =\) יִקָּ (or similar)

  • Imperfect - NOT *יִיָּשֶׁב, but יִוָּשֶׁב
  • Imperfect 1cs is ALWAYS אִ, NOT *אֶ if 1-Yod
  • Imperative - NOT *הִיָּשֵׁב, but הִוָּשֵׁב

If you see what looks like a “1-Vav” verb, parse it as 1-Yod