14.3 Review of Guttural Principles

Gutterals play by their own rules

  • Gutturals and Resh reject Dagesh Forte, often resulting in compensatory Lengthening:
    • From \(I\) to \(\bar E\)
    • From \(A\) to \(\bar A\)
    • From \(U\) to \(\bar O\)
  • Gutturals take Hateph Vowels instead of Vocal Sheva
    • Usually Hateph Patach, sometimes Hateph Seghol, rarely Hateph Qamets Hatuf
    • This can affect the preceding vowel, as well as the vowel associated with the guttural:
      • NOT עְמַדְתֶּם*, BUT עֲמַדְתֶּם
  • Gutturals prefer Patach
    • NOT יִשְׁלֹח*, BUT יִשְׁלַח