34.1 Hitpael Verb Table

Active Voice Passive Voice Reflexive Voice
Simple Action Qal Niphal (Niphal)
Cause a State Piel Pual HITPAEL
Cause an Action Hiphil Hophal


  • Reflexive of the Piel - קדשׁ
    • Q - to be holy
    • D - to be sanctified
    • tD - to sanctify oneself
      • Because this is the most common use, the parsing code is tD - t because a Hitpael preformative always contains ת, and D because like the Piel, \(R_2\) takes a Doubling Dagesh Forte (if possible)
  • Reciprocal - ראה
    • Q - to see
    • tD - to look at one another
  • Iterative - הלך
    • Q - to walk
    • tD - to walk back and forth, or to walk (as a way of life)
  • Simple active - פלל
    • tD - to pray147

  1. Perhaps there is a spiritual insight here. Do we truly enter into a reflexive state of prayer when we pray?↩︎