Conclusion and GRADUATION

We would like to take a moment and recap all that you have accomplished in His strength. Each section will also have tips and references on where you can go next.149


  • What you have accomplished: 570 of the most common Biblical Hebrew words committed to memory!
  • Where you can go next: Continue to grow your vocabulary, both by isolated word memorization, such as by learning the top 1000 (or more) Biblical Hebrew words and, of course, by continuing to read your Hebrew Bible. For word memorization, there are modules on Memrise and Anki that are free (these are not affiliated with Holy Language Institute)

Bible Verses

  • What you have accomplished: Translated around 500 Bible verses in Hebrew (many more verses if you did the Hebrew Quest Study Passages), including many grammatically challenging concepts
  • Where you can go next: * Grab a Tanach and a study guide and dig in! * If you haven’t already done so, check out Dr. Beckman’s lecture on How to prepare a passage

Ruth Pursuit

  • What you have accomplished: You have skimmed, if not read entirely through, Ruth Chapter one at least 30 times. The Ruth Pursuit Analysis was your introduction to intermediate Hebrew, where you took the first-year grammar concepts and applied them to a passage of Scripture to compose your own translation.
  • Where you can go next: INTERMEDIATE HEBREW!

Hebrew Quest Study Passages (“Honors” track)

  • What you have accomplished: You have studied 20 distinct passages, most of which were full chapters of the Hebrew Bible or passages from the Delitsch Hebrew New Testament. You have also completed the 17-lesson “Premium Proverbs” study.

  • Where you can go next:

  • After Hebrew Quest, review Izzy’s Hebrew Verses studies. Hebrew Verses picks up where Hebrew Quest left off.

Overall Next steps

  • Praise HaShem for the work He is doing in you
  • Complete Hebrew Quest if you have not already done so!
  • Continue with Intermediate Hebrew
  • Volunteer with Holy Language Institute
  • Help someone else learn Hebrew - “pay it forward”

Congratulations again. We are proud of you!

Izzy Avraham and Chris Flanagan

  1. Of note, for Chapter 36, the Basics of Biblical Hebrew textbook discusses several historical and textual matters regarding the Masoretic text and the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, often abbreviated BHS. While interesting, we believe most of this information is beyond what the majority of Holy Language students want or need. We are going to conclude our course with a celebration and recommendations for next steps. If you are interested in the BHS topic, a link to Dr. Beckman’s lecture video is included in the Lesson Extras section.↩︎