24.6 Niphal Imperfect Strong

In the Imperfect, the נ of the Niphal is ASSIMILATED

  • \(Pre =\) יִקָּ
    • \(V_P = I\), Dagesh Forte in \(R_1\), and \(V_1 = \bar A\)
    • As with the Qal Imperfect, the ִי is a placeholder for any Imperfect Preformative
    • Therefore, \(Pre =\) אִקָּ for the NI1cs
  • \(V_S = \bar E[A]\)
    • For FP forms, \(V_S = A\)
    • \(\bar E\) everywhere else
    • Can be displaced by Sheva
Sing Paradigm Plural Paradigm
3ms יִקָּטֵל 3mp יִקָּֽטְלוּ
3fs תִּקָּטֵל 3fp תִּקָּטַ֫לְנָה
2ms תִּקָּטֵל 2mp תִּקָּֽטְלוּ
2fs תִּקָּטְלִי 2fp תִּקָּטַ֫לְנָה
1cs אֶקָּטֵל 1cp נִקָּטֵל

Imperfect Strong from Hebrew Quest Chapter 15