First Thought

אֶת־הַכֹּל עָשָׂה יָפֶה בְעִתּוֹ

He has made everything appropriate (beautiful) in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Offer a word of gratitude that HaShem has made you beautiful!

יָפֶה is an example of predicate adjective use, which we will study in this lesson.

Tabgha - suggested location of Yeshua's restoration (making beautiful) of Shimon Kefa (Peter) on the beach in John 21, following Peter's denial of Yeshua a few days earlier. Courtesy of the [Pictorial Library of Bible Lands](

Figure 7.1: Tabgha - suggested location of Yeshua’s restoration (making beautiful) of Shimon Kefa (Peter) on the beach in John 21, following Peter’s denial of Yeshua a few days earlier. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands