Is completion of Hebrew Quest is a prerequisite?

Emphatically NO!

If you have finished Hebrew Quest, Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest might be a logical next step to go deeper.

On the other hand, maybe you started Hebrew Quest but hit some roadblocks. In that case, Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest can provide you with important underlying grammatical concepts so, eventually, you can return to Hebrew Quest and finish up.

It’s important to know that Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest is an extension of Hebrew Quest, not a substitute.

As a best-case, we recommend you complete Hebrew Quest Lessons 1-12 before starting Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest. So, if you haven’t started either course, go ahead and start with the first part of Hebrew Quest. Hebrew Quest videos are here, and the accompanying Memrise module is here.

To say it differently, Hebrew Quest and Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest complement one another in a circular (and maybe slightly paradoxical!) form:

  • The more Hebrew Quest you have completed, the more you will get out of Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest, and . . .
  • The more Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest you have completed, the more you will get out of Hebrew Quest (especially Hebrew Quest Lessons 13-40)
  • Either way, you can’t go wrong! The most important thing is to start and ultimately complete both. Again, the Hebrew Quest study passage track within Hebrew Grammar Quest will get you on your way to this lofty goal of completing both courses.

Refer to the section on Anki and course setup to get your Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest outfitted properly.