31.5 Hiphil 3ה

  • The usual changes
  • If no sufformative, add final vowel letter (see table below)
  • If sufformative begins with a vowel, that sufformative replaces \(V_2\)
  • If sufformative begins with a consonant, add the applicable (vowel)+Yod
  • Parse based on the word’s \(Pre\) sequence and the applicable 3ה vowel changes
Conj Hebrew Vowel when no sufformative
P בָּנָה Qamets+Hei
I יִבְנֶה Seghol+Hei
M בְּנֵה Tsere+Hei
בְּנוֹת Holem+Vav Tav
A בָנֹה or בָנוֹ Holem+Hei or Holem+Vav
Pt בֹּנֶה Seghol+Hei