
Welcome to Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest, from Holy Language Institute.

The journey into the world of Biblical Hebrew grammar is a peek inside the mind of HaShem. By increased understanding of the Bible, we can better experience part of the culture of Bible authors such as Moses, David, and the prophets. With some narratives, reading them in Hebrew almost places us right there in the middle of the action. That’s pretty cool!

Most importantly, learning the original language draws us closer to Yeshua and the world to which He ministered.

It is for these reasons that we like to say this is not just a course, but a QUEST. Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest is a journey into a deeper love your Bible and its primary Author.

In the video below and on the next few pages, we will tell you a little about our program and give you some preliminary action steps so you can get your gear in order before you begin your quest with Lesson 1.

Course Introduction from Chris Flanagan

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