6.12 Lesson 6 Conclusion

How are you feeling so far? Is any component of “the fog” refusing to dissipate? Keep sticking with Anki, and try to do your reviews at least once daily.

To help with this, we’ve gone a little bit lighter on the Grammar cards and the Ruth Pursuit for Lesson 6. While there are some differences, prepositions are used much the same way in Hebrew as they are in English. There is no sense in creating a lot of busy work.

We recommend using the time between now and starting Lesson 7 to get caught up and make sure the new concepts begin to take hold. You might notice the intensity pick up with the next few lessons as we get into some ways Hebrew handles adjectives and pronouns. Until then, enjoy learning some more of God’s word with Izzy in the Word warm-up and Verse warm-up.

A list of the most common prepositions is availble in the BBH Lesson Summary which you can access from the Lesson Extras page