19.5 QP with Suffix Examples

Hebrew English Comments
קְטָלַ֫תְהוּ she killed him the Qamets+Hei sufformative is replaced with + Tav
קְטַלְתָּ֫הוּ you killed him when suffixes are added to 2ms, the sufformative is תּ
קְטַלְתִּיו I killed him \(\hat I\) is often defective \(I\) before pronominal suffix
קְטָל֫וּהוּ they killed him \(\hat U\) is often defective \(U\) before pronominal suffix
קְטַלְנ֫וּהוּ we killed him \(\hat U\) is often defective \(U\) before pronominal suffix

See if you can translate these verbs (answers in footnotes):

  • דְרַשְׁנֻ֫הוּ121
  • יְדַעְתּוֹ122
  • יְדָעוּם123

  1. we sought him - the P1cp preserves the spelling of the perfect sufformative, but it may be spelled defectively↩︎

  2. you knew him - the Tav with a Dagesh (preceeded by a Sheva) is an indicator of 2ms with a suffix↩︎

  3. they knew them - the 3CP preserves the perfect sufformative, but it may be spelled defectively↩︎