Lesson 32 The Hophal Stem - Strong

Of the seven major stems, the Hophal occurs with the least frequency (396 times, roughly split between the Perfect, Imperfect, and Participle). Like the Pual, the Hophal has some distinctive characteristics making it straightforward to identify.


  1. Meaning of the Hophal Stem
  2. Hophal Strong paradigms


Before continuing, make sure you understand the meaning of the Hiphil stem

List at least two meanings of the Hiphil stem:

Hiphil Meanings:

  • Cause an action - to cause to eat, i.e., to feed
  • Enter into a state - to grow old
  • Declare a state - to declare guilty
  • Sometimes simple, unnuanced action like the Qal

The Hophal is usually the passive of these

  • To be fed
  • To be declared guilty