5.12 Lesson 5 Conclusion

You made it through another lesson! Way to go! Even though we only studied two concepts - the word for “and” and the word for “the” - these concepts in Hebrew are quite different from English.

You may be noticing how each new lesson builds upon the previous ones. If something isn’t entirely making sense, or if you find yourself asking, “why in the world do I need to know this?” just be patient, and it should start to come together in a lesson or two. Now might also be an excellent time to look back and see how far you have come in just five lessons.

As far as activities, we have the warm-up videos, Anki, the Ruth Pursuit, and the Quest Quiz. When you finish all of that, we have our second Twelve Tribes Badge you can claim.

Take your time and let these oncepts in this chapter sink in. You’re about half-way through the “non-verbs” portion of the course. Lessons 6-10 will be continuing to build out sentences with prepositions, adjectives, and pronouns. Then we’ll take a little bit of a break with numbers in Lesson 11 before moving on to Unit III and Hebrew verbs.

Keep with it; you’re doing great!