Changes for Unit II

  • Hebrew Quest Videos
    • If you recall from the Introduction, we described Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest, Lessons 4-35 as the expanded edition of the original Hebrew Quest core grammar lessons (13-15) - you are now about to embark on that expanded edition!
    • For Unit II, each lesson will have one (sometimes more than one) clip from the grammar lessons of Hebrew Quest
    • You can ignore any references Izzy makes to the “Hebrew Quest Student Manual” or the “Essentials of Biblical Hebrew” book
    • As we talked about in the Lesson 3Word Warm-up video, you can speed up or slow down the video speed by clicking the gear icon, then changing the Playback Speed
  • Anki Workbook modules
    • Many grammar textbooks have accompanying workbooks that give students additional practice
    • While it is reasonable to think of Anki as one giant workbook, beginning with Unit II we are adding in a workbook chapter where we will begin to dissect words or short passages
    • Our goal is to parse and translate
      • Parsing is identifying the gender, number, person (if applicable), and the lexical form
      • Translating is identifying the word’s meaning
  • Additionally, starting with lesson 4, we will invoke the shorthand we’ve been learning in Anki (e.g. , MP = Masculine Plural, FS = Feminine singular).

Now, if you’re ready, let’s begin the Unit II stage of our Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest!