3.12 Lesson 3 Conclusion

Congratulations on getting this far! We realize that there are a lot of new, and perhaps tedious, concepts in this Lesson. Some may be asking why we need to know all of this.

Understanding accents and vowel and syllable preferences helps to unlock God’s Word

On top of the lesson content itself, we also are introducing two new activities that correspond with the official launch of Vocabulary and Study Verses you will see in Anki.

We understand if after reading this lesson then doing the Anki work (perhaps repeated a few times), you still aren’t getting it. The Fog isn’t clearing. This is completely normal. Keep at it, or take a break and resume later. If you want a more in-depth lecture covering this material, we recommend Dr. John Beckman’s hour-long YouTube Lecture on lesson 3.

Introduction to Video Warm-ups

  • On the next two pages are videos of the vocabulary words and then the study verses
  • Practice speaking the word/verses aloud, following along with Izzy
  • You may not know what the words mean yet, and that’s fine (that’s where Anki comes in)
  • Consider this some “syllabic stretching” before you do your full Anki workout!

Then after watching these, go ahead and jump into Anki.