35.1 Hitpael \(R_2\) can lose Dagesh Forte

  • By now, you are very familiar with this concept
  • The Hitpael verb MAY lose the Dagesh Forte if \(R_2\) is SQiN eM LeVY consonant with a Sheva
  • The Hitpael verb WILL lose the Dagesh Forte if \(R_2\) is Guttural or Resh
    • With ע, ה, and ח there is usually no compensatory lengthening
    • With א and ר \(V_1\) will lengthen from Patach to Qamets
      • הִתְבָּרֵךְ tDP3ms of ברך, “he blessed himself”
  • Review the Piel lessons if you need a refresher on any of these concepts.