26.10 SQiN eM LeVY consonants with Sheva may reject Dagesh Forte

  • As we have mentioned previously, SQiN eM LeVY is a mnemonic for a group of letters that can reject a Dagesh Forte when the letter has a Sheva
    • S - שׁשּצס
    • Q - ק
    • N - נ
    • M - מ
    • L - ל
    • V - ו
    • Y - י
  • As we saw in the paradigm tables, all verbs place a Sheva in \(V_2\) in P3fs, P3cp, (I/M)2fs, I3mp, (I/M)2mp, Pt(m/f)p, as well as frequently when there is a pronominal suffix
  • The Piel stem places a Sheva in \(V_P\), in conjugations that have a preformative
    • The Iwc places a Dagesh in the Imperfect Preformative
    • So the י in DIwc3ms and DIwc3mp may lose the Dagesh

If you see a word that otherwise looks like a Piel but there is no Dagesh Forte where one is expected, you may have a SQiN eM LeVY consonant with a Sheva.