What is the Relationship to Hebrew Quest?

We’ve said that Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest does not replace Hebrew Quest. Instead, we believe Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest supports and extends Hebrew Quest. In fact, one way to think of Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest could be as “Hebrew Quest: Extended Edition”!

Suppose you were to take a hypothetical microscope and inspect Lessons 12-15 of Hebrew Quest. These are the lessons where Izzy reviews Vowels, Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, and other grammar topics. Under that microscope, Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest is what you would see.

  • Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest will start with a brief review of the Aleph-bet and the vowels we learned in Hebrew Quest Lessons 1-12
  • Then we begin our deep dive into core grammar topics touched upon in Hebrew Quest Lessons 13-15
  • Additionally, starting with Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Lesson 12, students can elect to complete a “Hebrew Quest Study Passage Track”
    • Primary geared for students who have not yet completed all of Hebrew Quest, this will incorporate the Proverbs study and the Bible reading sections from Hebrew Quest
    • Students will read through the passage and compose a translation
    • They will then watch Izzy’s Hebrew Quest teaching video explaining the passage
    • Students who complete all of the Hebrew Quest Study Passage Tracks will receive extra special recognition upon completion of the course. It our way of saying you have graduated “with honors”!