19.8 QM Vowel Changes

  • QM2ms is Qamets Hatuf + Silent Sheva
  • QM2fs/QM2fp - \(\nexists\)127
QM QM + Pron.*
2ms קְטֹל קָטְל
2mp קִטְלוּ קִטְלוּ or קִטְלֻ

Imperative/Perfect Ambiguity when normal Imperative \(V_S = A\)

  • As with the Imperfect, if the original Imperative \(V_S = A\), THEN instead of reducing, \(A\) lengthens to \(\bar A\)
  • In the imperative, this occurs with Stative, 2G, and 3G verbs
  • The result is ambiguity between the Perfect and the Imperative
    • QM2ms+suffix looks like QP3ms+suffix
    • QM2mp+suffix looks like QP3cp+suffix
  • The context will determine whether the verb is directed TO someone (2nd person) or is ABOUT someone (3rd)
  • These are given the name “nun type suffixes”

As always, we encourage you not to be overly concerned with these infrequent exceptions. They are just some additional things to be aware of if, as you’re reading, things aren’t making sense.

  1. There are only eight M2fs in the entire Bible, all in the Hiphil stem↩︎