Lesson 34 The Hitpael Stem - Strong

Welcome to our final Hebrew stem, the Hitpael146.

This is probably the easiest stem to identify because of the distinctive “HEET” (or "Hith) prefix.

There are just under 1000 instances of the Hitpael stem:

  • tDP - 161
  • tDI - 491
  • tDM - 78
  • tD∞ - 104
  • tDA - 3
  • tDPt - 147


  1. Meaning of the Hitpael Stem
  2. Parsing Clues
  3. Strong paradigms


Before continuing, make sure you understand the Piel stem, as the Hitpael stem is closely related

Parse the following:

  • קִטַּלְתֶּם
    • DP2mp
  • קְטַלְתֶּם
    • QP2mp
  • קַטְּלוּ
    • DM2mp

  1. Just as with “PATH-ac” versus “pa-TOCK” referring to the short-A vowel, this stem tends to be called “HITHpael” in academic circles and HEETpael in non-academic settings.↩︎