
  • Lesson 01 A. Vocab - Learn (or relearn) the Aleph-Bet with Izzy
  • Lesson 01 B. Grammar - Identify look-alike Hebrew letters
  • Lesson 01 C. Study Verses - we won’t be working on any Study Verses just yet, but we will learn some grammar shorthand that we will use when we get to Lesson 3.

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  • When you are first learning, we recommend you start with Lesson 01 A. Vocab, then when you are finished move on to Lesson 01 B. Grammar, and so on
  • When all cards in each of the individual modules are out of the Learning stage, then we suggest you review all of Lesson 01 together
  • When you have finished all three Lessons in Unit I, then you may review 1. Lessons 1-3 together
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Figure 1.11: Click the +/- button to show/hide Anki levels

Make sure you have followed all of the Getting Started instructions. We have additional information on Anki in the appendices: