16.8 QI Geminate

Geminates and Biconsonantals can be tricky, but they are relatively infrequent - the best course is to build vocabularly knowledge and use the preformatives and sufformatives to identify

  • The most frequent Geminate verbs are included as Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest vocabulary
  • Note the attributes below but do not become overly concerned with them:
    • \(V_P = \bar A\) as in: יָ
    • Geminate Lose \(R_2\) - Dagesh Forte in remaining twin letter (unless word-final or guttural letter)
    • In alternate forms, the Dagesh appears in \(R_1\) and \(V_P = I\) (see table below)
    • There is also a Geminate form (let’s call it “Type 2”) that takes \(V_P = \bar E\)
    • \(V_S\) and Accent shift to \(V_1\)
  • The most notable feature is that there will be a connecting vowel before a sufformative that starts with a consonant
    • QP2fp - סַבּוֹתֶן
    • QI2fp - תְּסֻבֶּ֫ינָה
  • Otherwise, the Imperfect Preformatives/Sufformatives remain
Gem Gem (alt) Gem T2 Strong
3ms יָסֹב יִסֹּב יֵתַם יִקְטֹל
3mp יָסֹ֫בּוּ יִסֹּּבּוּ יֵתַ֫מּוּ יִקְטְלוּ