Course Resources


  • Other than being a subscriber to Holy Language Institute, you will not need to purchase or obtain anything for this course (unless you want to)
  • You will need a computer with internet access, a free Google account to open and complete documents and exercises, the free Anki desktop software to do the flashcard activities, a printer and a pen or a pencil to complete writing worksheets


Below are additional resources, some of which are free and some paid:

  • Free of charge
    • Thanks to his extremely generous reuse license, we have leveraged many of the worksheets and content from Dr. John Beckman. If you want more detail into any lesson, you may wish to refer to his videos and handouts. Everything on his site is free. We have included most of these resources in our Lesson Extras sections.
    • The Basics of Biblical Hebrew Lexicon
      • A lexicon and a dictionary are virtually synonymous terms - academians tend to use the term lexicon
      • The authors of Basics of Biblical Hebrew have created an abridged lexicon to accompany this course
      • This document is beneficial as vocabulary words are indexed to the Lesson #, and irregular plural forms and selected construct forms are also included155
  • Paid
    • Anki’s iOS app requires a one-time purchase through the Apple store of $25. If you have an iPhone, we believe this is a relatively inexpensive investment in your Hebrew journey, but the decision to purchase is entirely up to you. You would be able to complete the course without purchase of the app.
    • To further supplement your studies, you may wish to purchase the Basics of Biblical Hebrew textbook or any of the accompanying resources

You might want wait and see how you are doing with Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest through about Lesson 7 or 8 before deciding to purchase the iOS app or any of the books

  1. Students are also encouraged to review the Lexicon resources in the Holy Language Heritage Library. These dictionaries are much more exhaustive.↩︎