14.8 Qal Perfect Doubly Weak

Doubly weak verbs have two (or all three)109 weak letters

  • Most frequently, it will be a 3ה verb with a 1G or 2G
  • These verbs have an additional step to scavenger hunt our way back to the Strong Verb Paradigm
  • We simply need to combine the 1G/2G aspects of the Hateph vowel instead of a Sheva with the 3ה endings we studied in the previous section

הָיָה is a very common verb meaning “to be”

  • As you can see, it is both 1G and 3ה
  • It follows the 3ה endings we discussed above
  • \(V_1\) is הֱ in 2mp and 2fp
    • הֱיִיתֶם and הֱיִיתֵן
    • The first Yod is \(R_2\)
    • The second Yod is part of the vowel \(V_2 = \hat I\) (Hireq+Yod), which is diagnostic of a 3ה verb in the Perfect 2p/1p conjugation
  • The key to unlocking these is learning your 3ה vocabulary words

  1. Even those verbs with three weak letters are still referred to as ‘doubly weak’↩︎