22.8 Stem Comparison Table

  • Now that we have concluded our discussion on the Qal stem, take a moment to review this table.
  • It currently shows the Perfect 3ms, the Imperfect 3ms, and the Participle ms strong verb forms for the Qal stem
    • Your Stem Comparison Worksheet has additional columns for Imperatives and Infinitives
    • We will add the additional stems as we work through Unit 4
  • Take note of the \(Pre\) patterns in red and the \(V_S\) in blue
    • When you are able work your way back to the \(Pre\) pattern of the Strong verb, it means you will correctly identify the stem and conjugation most of the time
  • The last column indicates the \(V_S\) pattern for perfects on the left, and Imperfects/Imperatives/Infinitives on the right.

Complete the Qal row of your Stem Comparison Worksheet now if you haven’t already done so (Qal Active Participle only)