19.6 QI Vowel Changes

  • Imperfect \(V_S\) reduces before a pronominal suffix, EXCEPT:
    • IF the original \(V_S = A\) (weak verbs), THEN instead of reducing, \(A\) lengthens to \(\bar A\)
    • With a 2ms pronominal suffix, \(V_S = \bar O\) does not reduce, but shortens to \(O\)
  • QI3fp/QI2fp - \(\nexists\)
QI QI + Pron.*
3ms יִקְטֹל יִקְטְל
3fs תִּקְטֹל תִּקְטְל
2ms תִּקְטֹל תִּקְטְל
2fs תִּקְטְלִי תִּקְטְלִי
1cs אֶקְטֹל אֶקְטְל
3mp יִקְטְלוּ יִקְטְלוּ
2mp תִּקְטְלוּ תִּקְטְלוּ
1cp נִקְטֹל נִקְטְל
  • Uncommonly, you may see a Dagesh Forte or a נ added to the 3ms suffix in the Imperfect as well as the Imperative
  • The spelling could make it a challenge to distinguish between 3ms and 1cp suffixes
  • The context should make it obvious