34.4 Hitpael Imerfect Strong Paradigm

Hitpael Imperfect from Hebrew Quest
  • The standard Imperfect preformatives and sufformatives
  • \(V_S =\) Tsere unless reduced
  • “Signature” tD Prefix: יִתְ (or the applicable Imperfect preformative)

Sing Paradigm Plural Paradigm
3ms יִתְקַטֵּל 3mp יִתְקַטְּלוּ
3fs תִּתְקַטֵּל 3fp תִּתְקַטֵּ֫לְנָה
2ms תִּתְקַטֵּל 2mp תִּתְקַטְּלוּ
2fs תִּתְקַטְּלִי 2fp תִּתְקַטֵּ֫לְנָה
1cs אֶתְקַטֵּל 1cp נִתְקַטֵּל
  • Note the standard Imperfect preformatives followed by a תְ