27.7 Piel Weak Parsing Examples

  • Word: כַּלּוּ
    • \(Pre =\) כַּלּ
      • The Dagesh in \(R_2\) should have us thinking Piel
      • The Patach fits with a non-Perfect Piel beginning
      • There is no imperfect preformative, which indicates D(M/∞/A)
    • \(Suf =\) וּ -
      • This could be P3cp, but we already ruled Perfect out above.
      • This is also 3mp Imperfect or 2mp Imperative
      • Based only on \(Pre\) and \(Suf\), we have a strong suspicion this is likely DM2mp
    • \(Root =\) כלה -
      • We might think כלו, but there is no such word, and we’re already pretty sure the Shurek is the \(Suf\)
      • When a \(Suf\) begins with a vowel, the ה of a 3-ה verb drops.
      • From our vocabulary, we know כלה means “to finish”
    • \(V_S\) has been erased as is common with 3-ה verbs
    • Result: DI2mp - Finish!
  • Word: כִּלּוּ
    • Use the same detective work as כַּלּוֹ above, only the Hireq+Dagesh now takes us down a Piel Perfect trail
    • Result: DP3cp
  • Word: שֵׁרְתוּ
    • \(Pre\): \(V_1 = \bar E\) might give you pause, but when you look at the next letter, you see a Resh, which rejects the Dagesh forte.
    • The first question to ask is, “I wonder whether this was Hireq+Dagesh originally? Given that there is no other prefix or preformative, this could be Piel Perfect.”
    • \(Suf=\) Shurek P3cp/I3mp/M2mp
      • The lack of preformative rules out this being an I3mp
      • There are no imperatives that have \(V_1 = I / \bar E\)
    • \(Root =\) שׁרת
    • \(V_S = \ :\), The original \(V_S\) (whatever it was) has been reduced by the Sheva of the finite sufformative. As it is, we have enough to conclude that this is Piel Perfect.
    • Result: DP3cp - they served