21.6 יֵשׁ and אֵין

These are particles that assert the existence or non-existence of something or someone

  • Mnemonics:
    • יֵשׁ sounds like “yes” as in “yes there are”
    • אֵין sounds like the English slang word “ain’t,” as in “ain’t none”
  • These do not inflect for gender or number
    • אֵין could mean “there is not”/“there are not”, or simply negating the word that follows
  • When prefixed with לְ, indicates possession or non-possession
    • We saw this way back in the Lesson 3 Study Verses
    • Genesis 44:20 - יֶשׁ־לָנוּ אָב זָקֵן = we have an elderly father (lit: there is to us a father old)
  • Pronominal suffixes occur on יֵשׁ only 9 times, compared with 104 times on אֵין
    • 2 Kings 17:34: אֵינָם יְרֵאִים = they do not fear