25.8 Niphal Top 10 Verbs

  1. לָחַם - (Q, N) to fight, do battle with (167x in Niphal Stem)
  2. שָׁבַע - (N) to swear, swear (take) an oath, adjure (154x)
  3. מָצָא - (Q) to find (out), reach, obtain, achieve; (N) be found, be found sufficient (142x)
  4. רָאָה - (Q) to see, perceive, understand; (N) appear, become visible (101x)
  5. עָשָֹה - (Q) to do, make, create, acquire, prepare, carry out; (N) be done, be made (99x)
  6. שָׁאַר - (N) to remain, be left over, survive (94x)
  7. נָבָא - (N) to prophesy, be in a state of prophetic ecstasy (87x)
  8. נָתַן - (Q) to give, put, set; (N) be given (83x)
  9. אָסַף - (Q) to gather (in), take in, take away; (N) be gathered, be taken away (81x)
  10. יָתַר - (N) to be left over, remain (81x)