4.7 Dual Noun Endings

Accented-Patach-Yod-Hireq can be used for both MD and FD nouns; occasionally, FD will be תַ֫יִם

  • MD: יִם ַ, e.g., סוּסַ֫יִם (two horses)
  • FD: יִם ַ , e.g., יָדַ֫יִם (two hands) or תַ֫יִם ָ as in תּוֹרָתַ֫יִם (two laws)


  1. Occasionally, we will see the defective spelling of the plural and dual endings: סוּסִם תּוֹרֹת; the gender and number of the word will not change.
  2. The dual ending is not necessarily used every time there are are exactly two units of the noun in question. Most commonly, we see the dual ending for paired body parts.