4.18 Lesson 4 Conclusion

This lesson may have felt like you were “drinking from a firehose” as the saying goes. Well, often that’s how it is with learning a language. Remember, this is a self-paced course; most likely you are not on any external timeline. Be patient and give these concepts time to soak in. Remember the concept of feeling like you are in “the fog” is completely natural.

Over time, Anki will help these concepts to “stick” - if you are struggling with Anki then, as we’ve said before, come back here to re-review the material. If you feel you need a detailed, academic approach, Dr. Beckman’s course lectures are available on YouTube, but we would recommend to try Anki first. You may be absorbing more than you think you are.

Once you get the hang of them, we’re confident you will find that Hebrew noun concepts and the Rule of Sheva are not that difficult to grasp.